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Eksteraj Teritorioj

External Territories

External Territories (Eksteraj Teritorioj) are territorial claims by the Respubliko de Nova Kalifornio, outside the boundaries of the republic proper. The Ĉefministro is responsible for governance of the Eksteraj Teritorioj.

Image by Suzan Kiršić
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Nova Kalifornio establis antarktajn teritoriajn asertojn en aÅ­gusto 2008 kiel laborojn por vastigi edukon kaj esploradon.


Nova Kalifornio established Antarctic territorial claims in August, 2008 as an effort to expand education and research.

Image by Ishan @seefromthesky
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Nova Kalifornio teritoria aserto de Ernst Thälmann Island estis establita en 2007 en respondo al la antaÅ­a Germana Demokratia Respubliko (Orienta Germanujo).


The Nova Kalifornio territorial claim of Ernst Thälmann Island was established in 2007 in response to the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany).


Registaro de Nova Kalifornio

Lincoln Layfield


Skott Guevara



©2022 Registaro de Nova Kalifornio

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